Ingmar Jürgens
Climate & Company
 Ingmar Jürgens Ingmar is the co-founder and managing director of Climate & Company, the leading sustainable finance think-tank. He co-founded the Berlin based „Sustainable Finance Research Platform“ and has been involved closely in the work of the German government’s sustainable finance advisory group and (since its start in 2020) as Sherpa and as „environmental objective lead“ (for biodiversity) in the EU sustainable finance platform. Ingmar took leave from the European Commission in March 2017 to focus on his sustainable finance and climate economics research and to work as independent policy advisor. Since his first “climate job” in 1998 (at Braunschweig Technical University), Ingmar has gathered significant experience in policy making, analysis and advice, particularly on climate and energy financing and economics. Among others, Ingmar has spent 15 years working for the European Commission, the United Nations (FAO) and the OECD.
In June 2013 Ingmar was appointed Senior Economic Advisor of the European Commission in Germany. From 2012 to 2013, Ingmar spent a sabbatical year as Deputy Director of the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) to focus on climate and energy financing and to advise the interim secretariat of the Green Climate Fund in Bonn. From 2010 to 2012 he served as the coordinator of the EU strategy for adaptation to climate change in the EU Directorate General CLIMA. From 2007 to 2010 Ingmar was responsible for the economic analysis of energy and climate policy in the EU Directorate-General for Industry and Enterprise and coordinated the work on carbon leakage. At the FAO of the United Nations (2003 and 2007), Ingmar was responsible for developing the organisation’s entire work programmes for carbon finance, climate adaptation and bioenergy. Ingmar is a passionate sportsman and musician; he is married and has three children.